Get Started



Everyone has a story. And as coaches, we need proper 411 on where you've been and where you want to go before we can figure out the best options and solutions for you.


Personal Vibe

Once we get the scoop, one of our coaches will set up a call or FaceTime (don't be shy) to chat in more detail about timing and the best next steps.


Team Visit

After the assessment and vibe call, if it's a good fit, we'll invite out to practice. The focus is to meet the team and get a good feel for the vibe, coaching and structure of our practice sessions. If you're digging it, we'll talk about options to join the squad.


+ Is previous track experience a requirement?

Nope. Many of our peeps never ran track or played any organized sports. Some will even tell you they hated running before coming to Tribe. And before you ask, you don't have to consider yourself fast either. We have two requirements- bring good vibes and be coachable.

+ What makes Tribe different than other running groups?

Tribe is a team that is anchored in real, personalized coaching. Technique, form, quality, hip hop and fun are staples. At Tribe, you will get really good at sprinting and running not just be mediocre at a bunch of things. The team dynamic is one of the best parts because it's an energy that can't be manufactured in group fitness. The peeps in the Tribe actually give a damn about you and invest in making sure you grow and have a good time doing it.

+ Why should I sprint?

Sprinting is powerful. It shapes you mentally, emotionally and physically better than any other training. While often ignored, it is the movement used most in any sport. As a weight loss tool, it's supreme because it's the only form of cardio that allows you to burn fat and build muscle. Oh, and it's fun and you feel like a total badass.

+ Do you just run around the track as your workout?

No, we don't do boring...ever. We always opt for quality and engaging practices. Some practices involve running less than 60M the entire practice while others may be centered around hurdle mobility or drills or multi-directional work. You never know what life throws at you so we make sure our practices mimic the realities of life.

Feel A Little Confused?